Ace Gravity!

Here is our main man, the bounty hunter himself. He has quite a lot in his past, practically grooming him to be perfect for the job of bounty hunter/mercenary/jack-of-all-trades. He has several body modifications, the most prominent of which being the replacement of his left eye with advanced technology which allows him to see across several spectrums, as well as affording communication.

Mr. Roboto!

Our hero's handy assistant and master of all things technological. He loves working with computers and seems to have an intimate grasp of their inner workings. Strangely, he refuses to get modifications that would allow him to interface with networks directly, preferring to do things the old fashioned way-that is, by hand.


Well, I haven't actually introduced this character yet, but whatever, let's add her in just for kicks. (Hope this doesn't get left in the final edition!)
She is a member of an alien race, and is currently considered among the lowest of the low. A petty theif and criminal, she has a deadly addiction to a dangerous substance. While this gives her increased agility and reflexes, allowing her to become an almost unstoppable force with her trusty switchblade, it is slowly killing her. Even worse, withdrawl has an almost 100% casualty rate, due to extreme stress, delusions, and pain, often leading to het attacks or suicide.
Can she whip her addiction? only time will tell.

All material © Heather Rempfer, unless otherwise specified